Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Playground

It's raining now... I can feel the mist around my skin thicken and drip down my hands as I stood under a freshly installed plastic overhead. Thunders began to orchestrate a symphony. Oh the beauty of it's expression. A Masterpiece! I took a deep breath and took in natures free show. The mist turned to rain as I started to walk around the lake. I decided to sit on the swing set I managed to stumble upon and scooped up a handful of sand before it became mud. The sight was beautiful. An old rusted swing set screeching it's noises as I swung but it was easily tuned out by the sounds of thunder and rain drops diving face first into the water. I could see the lake and all the millions of tree's surrounding it and me. Apparently I lost track of time when I realized I've been swinging in the rain for almost 2 hours thinking about how ironic it was to find myself at a playground while feeling for the past 2 months that I've always been a playground to everyone I've come across.

I've made all of them a priority. I've given my all, when before and even now, I was only considered an option to them. Work, friends, and relationships. I think that was my mistake. I put them all first before me. Don't I deserve at least a little thought? I was just a swing set to them to pass the time and entertainment. I was the temporary sight of amazement. A simple song of deep connection and understanding only to get played out at the blink of the next second.

My hair lost it's shape since it felt like I was dipped in a pool so I got off the swing set to walk home. "I'm Sorry." I humbly apologized to the playground. "You don't deserve to be made into a mockery so goodbye and thank you." Suddenly a thought raced through my head as I turned to see the playground alone while the swing slowly swung lonely without a soul. Perhaps it needs someone...Now I feel like I just did to it what is always done to me...I used it...loved it...and walked away.

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