Thursday, February 5, 2009

Roller Coasters

There's things in life where we just can't comprehend. Sometimes trying to figure out life's mysteries could be a headache. Yet it's the source of our "real" entertainment to the enlightened mind because without life's mysteries, I'm pretty sure we would be pretty bored. Ever since the beginning of the new year, life has been just tossing me around. Good and bad. Moving to yet ANOTHER place, people offering me jobs, a special Lady, almost getting into car accidents, promotions, bad sales, etc. Good and bad, good and bad, good and bad.

Although these things keep my life "entertained", sometimes I wish I could just quit. (Excuse the "emoness") But what I mean, is just to go back with the 'rents and remember what it was like to just sit at home and worry about keeping my room clean and help around the house every now and then...Such good times i should've savored...

This morning has been quite the "bump" in the road. and it bumped me pretty hard. It made my emotions run wild. I wish I can say more. All I can really say is, This Sucks. But life has it's ups and downs. So do roller coasters, and roller coasters are Effin tight!


  1. Ride it out, brother--I'm right there with you!
    Although more positive and uplifting stimulation would be great, the peaks in roller coasters wouldn't be as rewarding without those devastating drops.

  2. Hey there, thanks for the comment (:

    I have to agree with Joe; you need to enjoy the ride that life offers. There are always going to be bumps, you always get over 'em.
